NYFW DAY 3 & 4
Day 3 of NYFW, my last two days I had a few more shows. I was able reconnect with other fashion-minded individuals. I took some street-style shots outside of Spring Studios. The attendees were dressed to the top notch and were bringing it this season. I like being in this scene seeing how individuals put their outfits together.
Day 4 of NYFW
My last day went to Indonesia Now Fashion Show. There collection was collaborative of designers’ focusing on modest wear. Seven up and coming modest designers took to the runway at Springs Studios. The collection displayed what Indonesia Fashion is all about. The pieces were elegant, breathtaking, and on the rise. You can find innovative and trendy pieces that are part of their heritage.
This what I wore to the Indoesnia now fashion show. Keeping my look like street-style with cameo touches within my look.
Fashion Love,