As NYFW has come to an end. I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. I decided to volunteer for DC Fashion Week in assisting with their Instagram stories. First day, I was on point I had a lot of content that I included on my stories. Second day, call time was 12pm and I ended up sitting around for hours trying to find something or anything to do. The show was about to start at 7pm, the event coordinator calls everyone to the runway. I’m thinking he wants me to get a good spot to get social media content. Girl, he tells me I’m going to be a host & seating the guest. In a joking non joking way, I was like you need me. One girl started laughing cause my expression was like I don’t want to do this. And that was absolutely correct. If I sign-up to help with your social media content and the director tells me he needs Instagram content every day. I’m thinking that was my role, but I should have known fashion shows roles are always changing. Depending on what they need at that moment. Honestly, there was no initial plan to create Instagram stories for each show. Mind you, Instagram stories get deleted after 24 hours. Me including on my instastories was a waste time. Then to come find out, there was some control issues with having access to the DC Fashion Week Instagram. The director wanted to approve all the content that was being put on instastories. I was like you know what I can’t. Why waste our time. I have taken over many brands Instagram account. The first thing you do is trust the person will bring you good content and second you have one person that has the password. That way they can post on your behalf. If you want to become a bigger brand you need to be with the times. It’s all good, it definitely was experience that I needed to check off my list. Thanks boo, I did it!!!!

As NYFW has come to an end. I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. I decided to volunteer for DC Fashion Week in assisting with their Instagram stories. First day, I was on point I had a lot of content that I included on my stories. Second day, call time was 12pm and I ended up sitting around for hours trying to find something or anything to do. The show was about to start at 7pm, the event coordinator calls everyone to the runway. I’m thinking he wants me to get a good spot to get social media content. Girl, he tells me I’m going to be a host & seating the guest. In a joking non joking way, I was like you need me. One girl started laughing cause my expression was like I don’t want to do this. And that was absolutely correct. If I sign-up to help with your social media content and the director tells me he needs Instagram content every day. I’m thinking that was my role, but I should have known fashion shows roles are always changing. Depending on what they need at that moment. Honestly, there was no initial plan to create Instagram stories for each show. Mind you, Instagram stories get deleted after 24 hours. Me including on my instastories was a waste time. Then to come find out, there was some control issues with having access to the DC Fashion Week Instagram. The director wanted to approve all the content that was being put on instastories. I was like you know what I can’t. Why waste our time. I have taken over many brands Instagram account. The first thing you do is trust the person will bring you good content and second you have one person that has the password. That way they can post on your behalf. If you want to become a bigger brand you need to be with the times. It’s all good, it definitely was experience that I needed to check off my list. Thanks boo, I did it!!!!

Back to NYFW, as I was saying my new friends were able to attend this season. Especially my blogger friend Kayla Robbins. One day, we made planned a happy hour date. Ever since then we all about making time for each other. Whether it’s for fashion or eating out or just enjoying each other’s company. She has shown me wat a true friend looks like. If your friend cares about they show you appreciation whether it’s buying me something or treating me. I never knew there was actual friends that do exist. Kayla attended NYFW, I was so happy I was like where have you been all my life. She loves fashion as much as I do. We’re planning for NYFW and Paris in September already planning our looks. I’m so excited I can’t even stand myself right now…just kidding! Go follow her for more looks over at IG: imsooverdressed IG: @february_n_september and her blog link is

Fashion week is never disappointing. This season the fashion shows were so impeccable. Collections that consisted of flowy gowns, fall suits, sweatshirts with dresses, and punk chic! On the runway you’ll find any look that fits your style. That’s why I love fashion week. It gets me inspired and helps my creativity side blossom. I realized I’ve been sleeping on the streetstyle. Don’t worry about getting in the show, show up and serve them some fashion looks. And that’s what I did serve you my looks! I know next season you see me on a magazine cover…I dream so big!
See you next season NYFW!